How to choose Wellness Bikini Bottom Cuts?
Explore the NPC Wellness Division for athletic females with emphasis on lower body strength. Learn about suit rules and discover the ideal micro and micro pro bikini cuts to highlight glutes. Expert guidance for a smooth transition.
Hi fitness competitors! Today let’s talk about the most exciting and new competition category which is the wellness Division.
What exactly is the Wellness Competition Suits?
This is the official statement regarding the wellness competition suits from the NPC website “This division is for females with athletic physiques that showcase more body mass in the hips, glutes, and thigh areas. The upper body is developed but not to the same degree as the lower body.
The level of condition is almost the same as Bikini athletes but wellness athletes will have to develop more muscle with more body fat to show separation but no striations.”
What are the Rules & Restrictions on suits?
According to the NPC and its affiliated organizations “Suits can be customized with “Rhinestones”. Competitors will compete in a two-piece suit. Unlike a Figure, Fitness or Women’s Physique competition suit, the top is not connected to the suit bottom.
The suit top is the same standard that is currently in place for the Bikini division.
The suit bottom must be V-shaped in the front and is traditionally all material with no connectors and sits high up on the hips. The cut of the suit back is the same standard that is currently in place for the Bikini division. No Thongs and No T-back suits allowed.”
As y’all can see, the federations are pretty strict with the bottom cut of the wellness competition suit, but don’t worry ladies we got you covered!
Firstly, there are a lot of similarities between a bikini competition suit and a wellness competition Bikini. The main difference is the cut and the style of the bottom. The reason (as stated by the NPC) is to allow female athletes to showcase their physique, in particular more body mass in the glutes, and thighs.
So what is the best wellness bikini bottom cut for me?
The bottom cut that you need for wellness competition is the micro (rio cut), or micro pro (rio pro cut). But which one should you choose? Ideally, this will depend on a variety of factors including the physique goals if you have set for the stage with your coach.
The general rule of thumb, and most competitors in the wellness category will opt for this cut is, if you like more glute exposure then we would recommend the Micro Pro (Rio Pro) bottom cut.
The bottom cut has less fabric coverage to help accentuate your glutes, thighs and hamstring muscles, which is the key feature of scoring points in the wellness division.
The Micro Pro cut will make you look great on stage, lending a beautiful symmetry to balance your ripped upper body as well.
However, for debutants you may want to try a Micro Cut (Rio Cut), not the pro version. This has a more modest coverage than the Pro version, but is still more revealing than the bikini bottom coverage, to allow you to compete adequately in the division.
If this seems a bit daunting, especially if you’re new to the division, or looking to transition to this division, worry not! Simply reach out to our dedicated team and we can help you choose your perfect suit and cut. We’ve worked with thousands of athletes to ensure their stage success and we’re always at your service. You can view some of our best-selling suits here Wellness Competition Suits or reach our dedicated customer support anytime!
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and we wish you all the best with your competition!